Galliant’s Service Delivery Model
While current research does not provide adequate information in comparing long term effects of home and center/clinic based care, it has been found that an in home component to services in addition to a clinic based model results in greater persistent gains (Rickards et al., 2009). In combining the literature with our never ending focus of each individual family, Galliant provides services in a variety of ways including in clinic, in home, and in group format.
Regardless of the model used, we love parent and caretaker involvement. Parents and caretakers are always able to sit in on sessions and observe or join in. We want to be partners on this journey with families and try to work hand in hand as much as possible.
The in home model allows for natural generalization of skills to the home environment as well as opportunities for increased family involvement during sessions. When working in home we are also able to use the child’s own environment and materials to conduct therapy in a way that is integrative with their everyday life. With this, in home sessions can focus strongly on the skills most needed for everyday use and success.
What an in home session looks like will vary for each client. This is not just because of individualized programming, but because we value and respect each family’s comfort level with in home services. We ideally want to make therapy at home as inclusive of each child’s natural environment as possible. This means, based on a family’s comfort level, we want to work on skills and programs where a child would be most likely to use them (e.g., requesting food in the kitchen and toys near the toy bin).
The in clinic model allows for families to fit services for their child into their already busy lives. It provides the opportunity to drop their child off at the clinic and pick them up towards the end of the session.
Additionally, the in clinic model allows for multiple opportunities to work on social skills with the other clients and clinicians on site. It also provides the opportunity for staff to have more control over the environment when working on skills such as decreasing challenging behaviors, focusing and attending, and setting up antecedent based interventions. Another benefit of the in clinic model is that it allows for increased opportunities for Galliant team members to communicate and collaborate regarding services in order to consistently provide the highest support for each child from all members of the team.